Busa MUCK (30557 bytes)

BusaMUCk Help Staff application form.

Positions will be given based on knowledge. answers all the questions the best you can. It's better you leave a question blank if you don't know the answer, a bad answer is worse than not answering at all.

When you're done with this, email it to wizzes@busa.lionking.org

General questions.

1.- What is your (real) Name and email address?

2.- What's the name of your main character at BusaMuck? And your alts?

3.- How much time do you spend online?

4.- When do you connect the most often (ie.- Mornings/afternoons and Weekends/Weekdays\Both)

5.- Do you consider yourself a good player?

6.- What will your speciality be? (What you are best for, may be more than one thing)

Regular questions. Think you were answering to this to a newbie, expain the clearest you can for anyone.

1.- How do I create a character here?

2.- How do I set my description?

3.- What other things should I set up for my just created character?

4.- How do I find a home?

5.- How do I create a home? (include everything, like description, exits to and from and all that may be needed)

6.- Is there a web page where I can find more help? Does the muck have a WWW page?

7.- Where can I meet furs and make friends? (where in the muck)

8.- Why does my description is cut at the end?? Do you know a workaround?

9.- What species can I pick?

10.- Can I be a wizzard? A helpstaffer?

11.- Is there any way I can find out how many of each species there is?

12.- Why can't people jump to my room?

13.- I do not want t be disturbed during this TP, what can I do??

14.- I have a little waterhole in my lands... how can I let people 'drink' from it??

MUF related questions.

1.- Why can't I @program??

2.- How can I make a program to go-home??

3.- If I have this stack: i1, d, s1, i2, s2; how can I make it d s2 i2 d s1 i1 i1+i2 d s1 ??

4.- How would you make a program that would tell me of all the Meerkats there are in the Muck?

5.- How do I make multi-worded programs?

6.- I'd like to make a program that would make an exit and link it somewhere...

MPI related questions

1.- How would you make a program that would say something if I'm a Warthog, and something else if I'm any other species?

2.- I want to make an exit to set a property in all that go through it, can you help me?

3.- How do I make a random description of myself?

4.- My description is a list, but I want it to have %n and that kinda things, how do I do it?